6 Reasons Kobolds are better than Goblins
teeg @echomtg | 2017-03-07 05:00:00
This article is dedicated to one of the most unique cards in all of Magic the Gathering: Kobolds of Kher Keep.
To start, the artwork is just, amazing. I can't think of a single Goblin artwork that is better.
I can only imagine the dialogue that happened here:
WOC: Dear Julie: need some pathetic looking goblin-like creatures wearing pajamas
Julie: Ok great, what is the budget?
WOC: we can only pay you $8
Julie: Great, well I have these left over crayons and some dirty watercolor water, I'll make something work!- They are a FREE SPELL IN RED. These little Kobolds are pretty much as powerful as Gut Shot, except you do not lose life... There are no free Goblins
- They are a staple in some legacy Cheerios deck! Goblins to not know storm.
- Not overprinted, or reprinted. These little pajama wearing cuties have a single print run, from one of the most sought after sets in time, Legends. Hell did Goblins even exist during the time Legends?
- Kobolds wear pajamas and have sharp friggin' CLAWS, Goblin Guide can barely remember where he has been!!
- The card is a red spell and a red creature, at the same time, all while costing 0 CMC! I've seen goblins be black, and rouge, they don't stay true to their red roots, unlike Kobolds
Will a free creature spell in red ever be reprinted? I doubt it... memnite has nothing on these devilish pajama party Kobolds!