Introductory Two-Player Set Collection Checklist for

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Circle of Protection: Black 1w common 2 73506.72
Clockwork Beast 6 rare 49 12345.67
Mountain (B) Basic Land 63 519.05
Raise Dead b common 22 104.34
Island (A) Basic Land 56 100.00
Orcish Artillery 1rr uncommon 36 69.99
Reverse Damage 1ww rare 7 50.00
Mesa Pegasus 1w common 5 25.30
War Mammoth 3g common 45 24.10
Elvish Archers 1g rare 41 15.00
Healing Salve w common 4 14.73
Sorceress Queen 1bb rare 24 9.09
Forest (A) Basic Land 65 7.78
Forest (B) Basic Land 66 6.54
Mountain (A) Basic Land 62 5.00
Hill Giant 3r common 33 4.62
Pearled Unicorn 2w common 6 4.32
Dark Ritual b common 19 4.00
Bog Wraith 3b uncommon 17 3.64
Merfolk of the Pearl Trident u common 10 3.05
Wall of Bone 2b uncommon 27 3.00
Mons's Goblin Raiders r common 35 2.51
Warp Artifact bb rare 28 2.50
Scathe Zombies 2b common 23 2.00
Scryb Sprites g common 43 2.00
Grizzly Bears 1g common 42 2.00
Unsummon u common 14 2.00
Pyrotechnics 4r uncommon 38 2.00
Disintegrate xr common 31 2.00
Power Sink xu common 12 2.00
Energy Flux 2u uncommon 8 2.00
Weakness b common 29 1.84
Terror 1b common 25 1.50
Forest (C) Basic Land 67 1.30
Ironclaw Orcs 1r common 34 1.25
Lost Soul 1bb common 20 1.08
Circle of Protection: Red 1w common 3 1.00
Durkwood Boars 4g common 39 1.00
Phantom Monster 3u uncommon 11 1.00
Detonate xr uncommon 30 0.99
Untamed Wilds 2g uncommon 44 0.99
Alabaster Potion xww common 1 0.91
Swamp (A) Basic Land 60 0.30
Rod of Ruin 4 uncommon 52 0.25
Murk Dwellers 3b common 21 0.15
Plains (A) Basic Land 53 0.15
Fireball xr common 32 0.12
Swamp (B) Basic Land 59 0.05
Bog Imp 1b common 16
Plains (B) Basic Land 54
Plains (C) Basic Land 55
Island (B) Basic Land 57
Swamp (C) Basic Land 61
Mountain (C) Basic Land 64
Cursed Land 2bb uncommon 18 2.00
Whirling Dervish gg uncommon 46 1.25
Winter Blast xg uncommon 47 0.61
Battering Ram 2 common 48 0.65
Glasses of Urza 1 uncommon 50 0.99
Jayemdae Tome 4 rare 51 4.00
Zephyr Falcon 1u common 15 2.00
Island (C) Basic Land 58 2.73
Vampire Bats b common 26 0.05
Twiddle u common 13 5.00
Elven Riders 3gg uncommon 40 2.00
Feedback 2u uncommon 9 2.00
Orcish Oriflamme 3r uncommon 37 2.00

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