Universes Beyond: The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Collection Checklist for

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Palantir of Orthanc (Borderless Poster) (Serial Numbered) 3 Mythic Rare 749 2999.99
Aragorn, the Uniter (Borderless Poster) (Serial Numbered) rgwu Mythic Rare 741 2000.00
Gandalf the White (Borderless Poster) (Serial Numbered) 3ww Mythic Rare 732 1599.99
Arwen, Mortal Queen (Borderless Poster) (Serial Numbered) gw Mythic Rare 742 1500.00
Sauron, the Dark Lord (Borderless Poster) (Serial Numbered) 3ubr Mythic Rare 744 1499.99
Storm of Saruman (Borderless Poster) (Serial Numbered) 4uu Mythic Rare 733 1250.00
Witch-king of Angmar (Borderless Poster) (Serial Numbered) 3bb Mythic Rare 736 1099.99
Last March of the Ents (Borderless Poster) (Serial Numbered) 6gg Mythic Rare 739 1061.31
Saruman of Many Colors (Borderless Poster) (Serial Numbered) 3wub Mythic Rare 743 1044.99
Shadow of the Enemy (Borderless Poster) (Serial Numbered) 3bbb Mythic Rare 735 1044.99
Dawn of a New Age (Borderless Poster) (Serial Numbered) 1w Mythic Rare 731 1027.60
Spiteful Banditry (Borderless Poster) (Serial Numbered) xrr Mythic Rare 738 1000.00
Glamdring (Borderless Poster) (Serial Numbered) 2 Mythic Rare 747 999.99
Radagast the Brown (Borderless Poster) (Serial Numbered) 2gg Mythic Rare 740 999.95
The Watcher in the Water (Borderless Poster) (Serial Numbered) 3uu Mythic Rare 734 981.99
Anduril, Flame of the West (Borderless Poster) (Serial Numbered) 3 Mythic Rare 746 799.99
Mount Doom (Borderless Poster) (Serial Numbered) Mythic Rare 750 699.99
The One Ring (Borderless Poster) 4 Mythic Rare 748 491.40 674.73
Hew the Entwood (Borderless Poster) (Serial Numbered) 3rr Mythic Rare 737 490.99
Sauron, the Dark Lord (Borderless Poster) 3ubr Mythic Rare 744 220.00 307.16
The One Ring (Showcase Scrolls) 4 Mythic Rare 697 218.13 299.45
Gandalf the White (Borderless Poster) 3ww Mythic Rare 732 150.95 123.24
The One Ring (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 4 Mythic Rare 791 132.65
Arwen, Mortal Queen (Borderless Poster) 1gw Mythic Rare 742 121.99 89.77
The One Ring (Extended Art) 4 Mythic Rare 380 94.99 298.12
Aragorn, the Uniter (Borderless Poster) rgwu Mythic Rare 741 84.69 73.26
Orcish Bowmasters (Showcase Scrolls) 1b Rare 554 80.55 84.22
Tom Bombadil (Borderless Poster) wubrg Mythic Rare 745 80.28 105.61
The One Ring 4 mythic 246 80.26 76.89
Sauron, the Dark Lord (Showcase Scrolls) 3ubr Mythic Rare 675 76.24 92.84
The One Ring (Borderless) 4 mythic 451 73.59 55.17
Mount Doom (Borderless Poster) Mythic Rare 750 73.17 82.31
The Watcher in the Water (Borderless Poster) 3uu Mythic Rare 734 71.76 41.40
Mount Doom (0754) (Borderless) (Surge Foil) Mythic Rare 754 68.88
Nazgûl (0726) (Showcase Scrolls) 2b Uncommon 726 66.49 80.17
Anduril, Flame of the West (Borderless Poster) 3 Mythic Rare 746 65.00 38.60
Nazgûl (0725) (Showcase Scrolls) 2b Uncommon 725 65.00 76.80
Nazgûl (0724) (Showcase Scrolls) 2b Uncommon 724 64.81 92.82
Nazgûl (0729) (Showcase Scrolls) 2b Uncommon 729 63.47 50.60
Palantir of Orthanc (Borderless Poster) 3 Mythic Rare 749 59.64 63.65
Last March of the Ents (Borderless Poster) 6gg Mythic Rare 739 59.45 71.15
Delighted Halfling (Showcase Scrolls) g Rare 609 58.61 47.52
Sauron, the Dark Lord (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 3ubr Mythic Rare 821 56.97
Nazgûl (0723) (Showcase Scrolls) 2b Uncommon 723 56.96 65.17
Nazgûl (0551) (Showcase Scrolls) 2b Uncommon 551 54.98 74.49
Shadow of the Enemy (Borderless Poster) 3bbb Mythic Rare 735 52.08 26.84
Saruman of Many Colors (Borderless Poster) 3wub Mythic Rare 743 51.97 66.77
Nazgûl (0730) (Showcase Scrolls) 2b Uncommon 730 50.00 70.10
Palantír of Orthanc (Showcase Scrolls) 3 Mythic Rare 698 49.76 62.50
Witch-king of Angmar (Borderless Poster) 3bb Mythic Rare 736 49.30 61.21
Nazgûl (0727) (Showcase Scrolls) 2b Uncommon 727 49.09 58.35
Nazgûl (0728) (Showcase Scrolls) 2b Uncommon 728 45.04 60.69
Last March of the Ents (Showcase Scrolls) 6gg Mythic Rare 623 44.69 27.52
Glamdring (Borderless Poster) 2 Mythic Rare 747 43.17 46.25
Orcish Bowmasters (Borderless) 1b rare 433 42.85 43.09
Orcish Bowmasters 1b rare 103 39.97 37.78
Radagast the Brown (Borderless Poster) 2gg Mythic Rare 740 34.18 40.50
Witch-king of Angmar (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 3bb Mythic Rare 803 33.40
Storm of Saruman (Borderless Poster) 4uu Mythic Rare 733 32.94 40.80
Aragorn and Arwen, Wed (Extended Art) 4gw Mythic Rare 394 32.25
Gandalf the White (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 3ww Mythic Rare 797 32.07
Aragorn, the Uniter (Showcase) (Surge Foil) rgwu Mythic Rare 809 30.94
Mithril Coat (Showcase Scrolls) 3 Rare 696 30.63 43.83
Dawn of a New Age (Borderless Poster) 1w Mythic Rare 731 27.00 22.75
Hew the Entwood (Borderless Poster) 3rr Mythic Rare 737 25.99 27.87
Mithril Coat (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 3 Rare 790 25.33
Palantír of Orthanc (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 3 Mythic Rare 792 25.24
Tom Bombadil (Showcase) (Surge Foil) wubrg Mythic Rare 823 25.22
Spiteful Banditry (Borderless Poster) xrr Mythic Rare 738 25.13 30.26
Mount Doom (Showcase Scrolls) Mythic Rare 709 22.36 38.36
Mithril Coat (Extended Art) 3 Rare 379 21.38 36.00
Mithril Coat 3 rare 245 20.61 21.32
Tom Bombadil (Showcase Scrolls) wubrg Mythic Rare 685 20.59 28.48
Witch-king of Angmar (Showcase Scrolls) 3bb Mythic Rare 565 20.59 31.41
Sauron, the Lidless Eye (Extended Art) 3br Mythic Rare 396 20.39
Palantír of Orthanc (Extended Art) 3 Mythic Rare 381 19.65 61.15
Flowering of the White Tree (Showcase Scrolls) ww Rare 466 19.49 19.00
The Watcher in the Water (Showcase Scrolls) 3uu Mythic Rare 526 18.33 19.70
Gandalf the White (Showcase Scrolls) 3ww Mythic Rare 470 18.11 23.38
Goldberry, River-Daughter (Showcase Scrolls) 1u Rare 503 17.99 6.95
Delighted Halfling (Borderless) g Rare 402 17.54 15.63
Minas Tirith (0752) (Borderless) (Surge Foil) Rare 752 17.43
Palantír of Orthanc 3 mythic 247 17.39 18.82
Last March of the Ents 6gg mythic 172 16.62 16.84
Last March of the Ents (Borderless) 6gg mythic 418 16.52 16.85
Storm of Saruman (Showcase Scrolls) 4uu Mythic Rare 523 16.16 17.52
Nazgûl (0339) 2b Uncommon 339 16.10 16.11
Lotho, Corrupt Shirriff (Showcase Scrolls) wb Rare 664 16.00 26.16
Delighted Halfling (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) g Rare 774 15.39
Aragorn, the Uniter (Showcase Scrolls) rgwu Mythic Rare 643 15.38 24.11
Saruman of Many Colors (Showcase Scrolls) 3wub Mythic Rare 674 15.35 10.75
Delighted Halfling (Extended Art) g Rare 363 15.30
Delighted Halfling g rare 158 15.21 14.95
Boromir, Warden of the Tower (Showcase Scrolls) 2w Rare 455 14.82 10.31
Nazgûl (0335) 2b Uncommon 335 14.13 15.48
Nazgûl (0333) 2b Uncommon 333 14.10 17.69
Sauron, the Dark Lord 3ubr mythic 224 14.09 23.62
Nazgûl (0337) 2b Uncommon 337 13.82 16.67
Andúril, Flame of the West (Showcase Scrolls) 3 Mythic Rare 687 13.79 14.14
Nazgûl (0338) 2b Uncommon 338 13.65 16.01
Radagast the Brown (Showcase Scrolls) 2gg Mythic Rare 635 13.60 9.32
Arwen, Mortal Queen (Showcase Scrolls) 1gw Mythic Rare 644 13.50 15.39
Nazgûl (0100) 2b Uncommon 100 13.26 15.64
Witch-king of Angmar (Borderless) 3bb mythic 423 13.20 13.37
Nazgûl (0332) 2b Uncommon 332 13.01 15.90
Nazgûl (0336) 2b Uncommon 336 12.93 15.00
Nazgûl (0334) 2b Uncommon 334 12.83 16.72
Shadow of the Enemy (Showcase Scrolls) 3bbb Mythic Rare 558 12.50 8.05
Bilbo's Ring (Extended Art) 3 Rare 397 12.42
There and Back Again (Showcase Scrolls) 3rr Rare 602 12.18 13.91
Witch-king, Bringer of Ruin (Extended Art) 4bb Rare 391 12.04
Rivendell (0755) (Borderless) (Surge Foil) Rare 755 11.22
Saruman of Many Colors (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 3wub Mythic Rare 820 11.09
Rivendell (Showcase Scrolls) Rare 710 11.00 11.97
Witch-king of Angmar (Showcase) 3bb Mythic Rare 311 10.56 12.27
Boromir, Warden of the Tower (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 2w Rare 794 10.48
The Shire (0756) (Borderless) (Surge Foil) Rare 756 10.39
Aragorn, the Uniter (Borderless) rgwu mythic 434 10.19 12.61
Dawn of a New Age (Showcase Scrolls) 1w Mythic Rare 456 10.00 11.94
Hew the Entwood (Showcase Scrolls) 3rr Mythic Rare 587 9.93 8.78
Samwise Gamgee (Showcase) (Surge Foil) gw Rare 819 9.78
Call of the Ring (Showcase Scrolls) 1b Rare 530 9.69 12.38
Sting, the Glinting Dagger (Showcase Scrolls) 2 Rare 701 9.35 13.50
Gandalf the White (Borderless) 3ww mythic 442 9.33 12.64
Flame of Anor (Showcase Scrolls) 1ur Rare 654 9.26 8.90
Bilbo's Ring 3 rare 298 9.17
Minas Tirith (Showcase Scrolls) Rare 707 8.99 13.66
Gandalf the Grey (Showcase Scrolls) 3ur Rare 658 8.93 7.92
Forge Anew (Showcase Scrolls) 2w Rare 468 8.35 16.84
Spiteful Banditry (Showcase Scrolls) xrr Mythic Rare 600 8.27 11.29
Lotho, Corrupt Shirriff (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) wb Rare 781 8.17
Lórien Revealed (Showcase Scrolls) 3uu Common 511 8.02 9.45
One Ring to Rule Them All (Showcase Scrolls) 2bb Rare 553 7.68 9.03
Mines of Moria (Showcase Scrolls) Rare 708 7.65 11.07
Mines of Moria (0753) (Borderless) (Surge Foil) Rare 753 7.64
Sauron, the Dark Lord (Showcase) 3ubr Mythic Rare 329 7.32 9.14
Elanor Gardner (Extended Art) 3g Rare 387 7.25
Barad-dur (Showcase Scrolls) Rare 704 7.09 9.79
Galadriel, Gift-Giver (Extended Art) 3gg Rare 393 7.07
Elven Chorus (Showcase Scrolls) 3g Rare 611 7.03 22.47
Lotho, Corrupt Shirriff (Extended Art) wb Rare 370 6.99 22.88
Witch-king of Angmar 3bb mythic 114 6.80 6.30
Witch-king, Bringer of Ruin 4bb rare 293 6.40
Flowering of the White Tree (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) ww Rare 759 6.39
Lotho, Corrupt Shirriff wb rare 213 6.36 6.81
The Shire (Showcase Scrolls) Rare 711 6.36 8.54
Aragorn and Arwen, Wed 4gw mythic 287 6.31
Shelob, Child of Ungoliant (Showcase Scrolls) 4bg Rare 681 6.29 10.37
Ringwraiths (Extended Art) 4bb Rare 385 6.23
Mount Doom (Borderless) Mythic Rare 343 6.19 7.24
Sauron, the Necromancer (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 3bb Rare 802 6.16
Sméagol, Helpful Guide (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 1bg Rare 822 6.05
Gandalf the White (Showcase) 3ww Mythic Rare 305 6.04 7.78
Borne Upon a Wind (Showcase Scrolls) 1u Rare 495 6.01 13.34
Glamdring (Showcase Scrolls) 2 Mythic Rare 690 6.00 9.13
Horn of Gondor (Showcase Scrolls) 3 Rare 691 6.00 5.56
Samwise Gamgee (Showcase Scrolls) gw Rare 673 6.00 6.95
Legolas, Master Archer (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 1gg Rare 805 5.89
Flowering of the White Tree (Extended Art) ww Rare 348 5.82 4.29
Aragorn, the Uniter (Showcase) rgwu Mythic Rare 317 5.60 7.10
Flowering of the White Tree ww rare 15 5.58 6.10
Barad-dûr (0751) (Borderless) (Surge Foil) Rare 751 5.54
Frodo, Sauron's Bane (Showcase) (Surge Foil) w Rare 796 5.45
Generous Ent (Showcase Scrolls) 5g Common 620 5.39 4.25
Minas Tirith (420) (Borderless) Rare 420 5.36 5.48
The Battle of Bywater (Showcase Scrolls) 1ww Rare 453 5.35 7.45
Troll of Khazad-dûm (Showcase Scrolls) 5b Common 562 5.29 6.71
War of the Last Alliance (Showcase Scrolls) 3w Rare 487 5.24 4.05
Mount Doom mythic 258 5.22 5.92
Aragorn, the Uniter rgwu mythic 192 5.10 5.79
Arwen, Mortal Queen (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 1gw Mythic Rare 778 5.05
Entish Restoration (Showcase Scrolls) 2g Uncommon 614 5.00 4.77
Phial of Galadriel (Showcase Scrolls) 3 Rare 699 4.99 7.35
Gandalf the White 3ww mythic 19 4.95 5.53
Mirkwood Bats (Showcase Scrolls) 3b Common 546 4.90 5.36
Gandalf the Grey (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 3ur Rare 814 4.89
Doors of Durin (Showcase Scrolls) 3rg Rare 650 4.79 2.27
Minas Tirith (341) (Borderless) Rare 341 4.78 5.70
Minas Tirith rare 256 4.75 6.16
Saruman of Many Colors (Borderless) 3wub mythic 412 4.75 5.14
Storm of Saruman (Borderless) 4uu mythic 413 4.59 4.41
Elven Chorus (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 3g Rare 775 4.59
Elven Chorus (Extended Art) 3g Rare 364 4.51
Pippin, Guard of the Citadel (Showcase Scrolls) wu Rare 669 4.47 6.68
Spiteful Banditry xrr mythic 149 4.46 4.58
Gollum, Scheming Guide (Extended Art) 1b Rare 390 4.35
Flame of Anor (Borderless) 1ur rare 406 4.35 5.04
Lembas (Showcase Scrolls) 2 Common 694 4.32 3.01
Andúril, Flame of the West (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 3 Mythic Rare 786 4.19
Dawn of a New Age (Extended Art) 1w Mythic Rare 347 4.11 9.43
Andúril, Flame of the West (Extended Art) 3 Mythic Rare 375 4.10 29.40
Call of the Ring (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 1b Rare 766 4.10
Warg Rider (Extended Art) 4b Rare 831 4.07
Sméagol, Helpful Guide (Showcase Scrolls) 1bg Rare 682 4.06 6.09
Gandalf, White Rider (Extended Art) 3w Rare 389 4.05
Warg Rider 4b Rare 826 4.05
Sauron, the Necromancer (Showcase Scrolls) 3bb Rare 557 4.04 5.49
Elven Chorus 3g rare 160 4.00 4.16
Flame of Anor 1ur rare 203 4.00 4.71
Press the Enemy (Showcase Scrolls) 2uu Rare 516 3.86 1.25
Glóin, Dwarf Emissary (Showcase Scrolls) 2r Rare 583 3.85 1.82
Spiteful Banditry (Borderless) xrr mythic 439 3.78 4.41
Galadriel, Gift-Giver 3gg rare 296 3.75
There and Back Again 3rr rare 151 3.70 3.98
Borne Upon a Wind (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 1u Rare 761 3.70
Elvish Mariner (Extended Art) 2u Rare 384 3.69
Andúril, Flame of the West 3 mythic 236 3.67 4.26
Cast into the Fire (Showcase Scrolls) 1r Common 569 3.66 3.46
Assault on Osgiliath (Extended Art) xrrr Rare 386 3.53
Forge Anew (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 2w Rare 760 3.52
Gandalf, Friend of the Shire (Borderless) 3u Uncommon 401 3.51 1.30
Elanor Gardner 3g rare 286 3.42 5.50
Boromir, Warden of the Tower (Borderless) 2w rare 407 3.39 4.19
Saradoc, Master of Buckland (Extended Art) 3w Rare 383 3.38
Galadriel of Lothlórien (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 1gu Rare 813 3.36
Dawn of a New Age (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 1w Mythic Rare 758 3.34
Dawn of a New Age 1w mythic 5 3.32 3.78
Glamdring (Extended Art) 2 Mythic Rare 376 3.29 1.00
Faramir, Prince of Ithilien (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 2wu Rare 811 3.29
Forge Anew (Extended Art) 2w Rare 349 3.25 11.82
Boromir, Warden of the Tower 2w rare 4 3.16 3.90
Storm of Saruman 4uu mythic 72 3.14 4.02
Swamp (0718) (Surge Foil) Basic Land 718 3.14
Call of the Ring 1b rare 79 3.09 3.64
The Watcher in the Water (Extended Art) 3uu Mythic Rare 354 3.01
Fires of Mount Doom (Extended Art) 2r Rare 392 3.01
Forge Anew 2w rare 17 3.00 3.87
Stern Scolding (Showcase Scrolls) u Uncommon 522 2.99 3.29
Reprieve (Showcase Scrolls) 1w Uncommon 477 2.95 3.98
The Watcher in the Water (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 3uu Mythic Rare 765 2.94
Glamdring (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 2 Mythic Rare 787 2.94
Pippin, Guard of the Citadel (Showcase) (Surge Foil) wu Rare 818 2.92
Call of the Ring (Extended Art) 1b Rare 355 2.84 20.63
Arwen, Mortal Queen (Extended Art) 1gw Mythic Rare 367 2.76 45.15
Horn of Gondor 3 rare 240 2.74 4.00
Boromir, Warden of the Tower (Showcase) 2w Rare 302 2.72 3.83
Sauron, the Lidless Eye 3br mythic 288 2.71
The Shire rare 260 2.69 3.24
Horn of Gondor (Extended Art) 3 Rare 377 2.62 10.23
Fiery Inscription (Showcase Scrolls) 2r Uncommon 577 2.62 3.07
Frodo, Determined Hero (Extended Art) 1w Rare 388 2.58
Arwen, Mortal Queen 1gw mythic 193 2.57 3.46
Samwise Gamgee gw rare 222 2.50 3.07
Scroll of Isildur (Showcase Scrolls) 2u Rare 520 2.50 2.23
The Battle of Bywater 1ww rare 2 2.45 3.09
Galadriel of Lothlórien (Borderless) 1gu rare 446 2.41 2.00
Horn of Gondor (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 3 Rare 788 2.34
The Battle of Bywater (Extended Art) 1ww Rare 346 2.30
Merry, Esquire of Rohan (Showcase) (Surge Foil) rw Rare 817 2.29
Peregrin Took (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 2g Uncommon 807 2.29
Entish Restoration 2g uncommon 163 2.26 2.90
The Balrog, Flame of Udûn (Extended Art) 3br Rare 395 2.26
Éowyn, Fearless Knight (Showcase Scrolls) 2rw Rare 652 2.26 2.52
The Watcher in the Water 3uu mythic 75 2.23 2.12
One Ring to Rule Them All 2bb rare 102 2.22 2.91
Island (0716) (Surge Foil) Basic Land 716 2.18
Sting, the Glinting Dagger 2 rare 250 2.14 1.94
Forest (0722) (Surge Foil) Basic Land 722 2.14
The Shire (Borderless) Rare 345 2.13 2.74
Sauron's Ransom (Showcase Scrolls) 1ub Rare 676 2.10 2.12
Gimli, Mournful Avenger (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 1rg Rare 815 2.09
Borne Upon a Wind (Extended Art) 1u Rare 350 2.08
Riders of the Mark (Extended Art) 6r Rare 832 2.06
The Battle of Bywater (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 1ww Rare 757 2.05
Swamp (0717) (Surge Foil) Basic Land 717 2.00
Borne Upon a Wind 1u rare 44 1.98 3.46
Glamdring 2 mythic 239 1.97 1.94
The Ring Goes South (Showcase Scrolls) 3g Rare 637 1.97 1.40
Lórien Revealed 3uu common 60 1.94 2.91
Tom Bombadil (Showcase) wubrg Mythic Rare 331 1.91 1.96
Tom Bombadil wubrg mythic 234 1.89 2.83
Plains (0714) (Surge Foil) Basic Land 714 1.87
Elrond, Master of Healing (Borderless) 2gu rare 447 1.85 1.59
Éomer, Marshal of Rohan (Showcase Scrolls) 2rr Rare 571 1.83 1.01
Barad-dûr (425) (Borderless) Rare 425 1.80 1.82
Shadow of the Enemy (Borderless) 3bbb mythic 424 1.79 2.07
Erebor Flamesmith (Showcase Scrolls) 1r Common 573 1.79 2.46
Gwaihir the Windlord (Showcase Scrolls) 4wu Uncommon 661 1.79 1.51
Elrond, Master of Healing (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 2gu Rare 810 1.76
The Balrog, Durin's Bane (Showcase Scrolls) 5br Rare 646 1.75 2.37
Rivendell rare 259 1.73 1.68
Aragorn, Company Leader (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 1gw Rare 808 1.71
Island (0715) (Surge Foil) Basic Land 715 1.68
Ringwraiths 4bb rare 284 1.60 6.25
Rivendell (Borderless) Rare 344 1.60 1.73
Forest (0721) (Surge Foil) Basic Land 721 1.60
Moria Marauder (Showcase Scrolls) rr Rare 589 1.55 2.47
Elvish Mariner 2u rare 283 1.51 3.55
Frodo, Sauron's Bane (Showcase Scrolls) w Rare 469 1.50 1.87
Radagast the Brown (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 2gg Mythic Rare 776 1.49
Mountain (0720) (Surge Foil) Basic Land 720 1.48
Gimli, Mournful Avenger (Borderless) 1rg rare 436 1.46 1.34
Riders of the Mark 6r Rare 827 1.45
Peregrin Took (Showcase Scrolls) 2g Uncommon 632 1.43 3.00
Mordor Theme Card Token T3 1.33
Mines of Moria rare 257 1.31 1.46
Barad-dûr (340) (Borderless) Rare 340 1.30 2.07
Sting, the Glinting Dagger (Borderless) 2 rare 409 1.30 1.52
Pippin, Guard of the Citadel (Borderless) wu rare 438 1.30 1.57
Reprieve 1w uncommon 26 1.28 1.51
Shelob, Child of Ungoliant 4bg rare 230 1.23 1.22
Saruman of Many Colors (Showcase) 3wub Mythic Rare 328 1.22 1.99
Lobelia Sackville-Baggins (Borderless) 2b Rare 399 1.21 0.91
Merry, Esquire of Rohan (Showcase Scrolls) rw Rare 666 1.21 1.08
Plains (0713) (Surge Foil) Basic Land 713 1.21
Treasure // Food (0024) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T25 1.21
Smaug // Food (0011) Double-Sided Token Token T7 1.20
Mines of Moria (Borderless) Rare 342 1.18 1.28
Display of Power (Showcase Scrolls) 1rr Rare 570 1.18 0.97
Fall of Gil-galad (Showcase Scrolls) 1g Rare 616 1.18 1.16
Shelob, Child of Ungoliant (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 4bg Rare 785 1.17
Rising of the Day (Showcase Scrolls) 2r Uncommon 596 1.13 1.37
Gandalf, White Rider 3w rare 290 1.11
Mountain (0719) (Surge Foil) Basic Land 719 1.11
Horn of the Mark (Showcase Scrolls) 2 Rare 692 1.10 1.65
Stone of Erech (Showcase Scrolls) 1 Uncommon 702 1.07 1.55
Goldberry, River-Daughter (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 1u Rare 762 1.07
Legolas, Master Archer (Borderless) 1gg rare 435 1.06 1.96
Shadow of the Enemy 3bbb mythic 107 1.00 1.02
Éowyn, Fearless Knight 2rw rare 201 1.00 1.36
Pippin, Guard of the Citadel wu rare 218 1.00 1.32
Radagast the Brown (Extended Art) 2gg Mythic Rare 365 1.00 17.79
Éowyn, Fearless Knight (Borderless) 2rw rare 430 1.00 1.36
Merry, Esquire of Rohan (Borderless) rw rare 437 1.00 1.22
War of the Last Alliance 3w rare 36 0.99 1.46
Barad-dûr Rare 253 0.99 1.06
Elrond, Master of Healing (Showcase Scrolls) 2gu Rare 651 0.99 0.86
Legolas, Master Archer (Showcase Scrolls) 1gg Rare 624 0.98 1.39
Fangorn, Tree Shepherd (Showcase Scrolls) 4ggg Rare 617 0.92 0.76
Rise of the Witch-king (Showcase Scrolls) 2bg Uncommon 672 0.91 0.89
Mirkwood Bats 3b common 95 0.89 1.04
Gollum, Scheming Guide 1b rare 292 0.89
Aragorn, Company Leader (Showcase Scrolls) 1gw Rare 642 0.89 0.68
Treasure // Food (0022) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T25 0.89
Journey Theme Card Token T5 0.88
Marauders Theme Card Token T4 0.88
Mortals Theme Card Token T6 0.86
Radagast the Brown 2gg mythic 184 0.85 1.01
Goldberry, River-Daughter (Extended Art) 1u Rare 351 0.85
Faramir, Prince of Ithilien (Showcase Scrolls) 2wu Rare 653 0.85 0.90
King of the Oathbreakers (Showcase Scrolls) 2wb Rare 662 0.83 1.04
Phial of Galadriel (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 3 Rare 793 0.83
Sauron's Ransom (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 1ub Rare 782 0.82
Magic Minigame: Booster Blitz Token T1 0.81
Orcish Theme Card Token T8 0.81
Samwise Gamgee (Showcase) gw Rare 327 0.80 3.46
Shelob, Child of Ungoliant (Extended Art) 4bg Rare 374 0.80 9.98
Bilbo, Retired Burglar (Borderless) 1ur Uncommon 403 0.78 0.51
The Balrog, Durin's Bane (Borderless) 5br rare 405 0.78 0.89
Hew the Entwood (Extended Art) 3rr Mythic Rare 361 0.77
Frodo Baggins (Borderless) gw Uncommon 404 0.77 0.42
Isildur's Fateful Strike (Showcase Scrolls) 2bb Rare 542 0.77 1.07
Saruman of Many Colors 3wub mythic 223 0.76 0.94
Troll of Khazad-dûm 5b common 111 0.75 1.04
Cast into the Fire 1r common 118 0.75 0.82
Treasure // Food (0010) Double-Sided Token Token T12 0.75
Fall of Cair Andros (Showcase Scrolls) 2r Rare 575 0.75 0.74
Ringsight (Showcase Scrolls) 1ub Uncommon 671 0.75 2.33
Orc Army (0006) // Food (0011) Double-Sided Token Token T6 0.74
Frodo, Determined Hero 1w rare 289 0.70
Orc Army (0006) // Orc Army (0005) Double-Sided Token Token T6 0.70
Riders Theme Card Token T9 0.69
Eagle of Deliverance (Extended Art) 4ww Rare 829 0.67
Tricksy Theme Card Token T2 0.67
Swamp (0277) Basic Land 277 0.66 0.77
Eagles of the North (Showcase Scrolls) 5w Common 458 0.66 2.39
Hew the Entwood (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 3rr Mythic Rare 772 0.65
Tentacle // Food (0024) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T17 0.65
Peregrin Took 2g uncommon 181 0.64 0.83
Galadriel of Lothlórien (Showcase Scrolls) 1gu Rare 657 0.63 0.92
Lost Isle Calling (Showcase Scrolls) 1u Rare 512 0.63 0.67
Glóin, Dwarf Emissary (Extended Art) 2r Rare 360 0.61
Rising of the Day 2r uncommon 145 0.60 0.72
Doors of Durin (Extended Art) 3rg Rare 368 0.60 5.40
Aragorn, Company Leader (Borderless) 1gw rare 410 0.60 1.51
Shire Terrace (Showcase Scrolls) Common 712 0.60 0.67
Doors of Durin (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 3rg Rare 779 0.60
Forest (0281) Basic Land 281 0.59 0.66
Phial of Galadriel (Extended Art) 3 Rare 382 0.59 7.31
Sharkey, Tyrant of the Shire (Showcase Scrolls) 2ub Rare 680 0.59 0.49
Smaug // Food (0022) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T20 0.59
Rosie Cotton of South Lane (Showcase Scrolls) 2w Uncommon 478 0.58 2.28
Horn of the Mark (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 2 Rare 789 0.58
Moria Marauder (Extended Art) rr Rare 362 0.57
Mirkwood Channeler 3g Rare 828 0.57
Island (0274) Basic Land 274 0.56 0.89
Gimli, Mournful Avenger (Showcase Scrolls) 1rg Rare 660 0.56 0.55
Glóin, Dwarf Emissary 2r rare 132 0.55 0.24
Great Hall of the Citadel (Showcase Scrolls) Common 705 0.55 0.90
Goldberry, River-Daughter 1u rare 52 0.54 0.37
Horn of the Mark 2 rare 241 0.54 0.42
Mirkwood Channeler (Extended Art) 3g Rare 833 0.54
Horn of the Mark (Extended Art) 2 Rare 378 0.53 12.18
Generous Ent 5g common 169 0.51 0.67
Sauron's Ransom 1ub rare 225 0.51 0.52
Lembas 2 common 243 0.51 0.70
Lobelia Sackville-Baggins (Showcase Scrolls) 2b Rare 544 0.51 0.76
Shagrat, Loot Bearer (Showcase Scrolls) 2br Rare 679 0.51 0.80
Moria Marauder rr rare 138 0.50 4.02
Phial of Galadriel 3 rare 248 0.50 0.35
Plains (0273) Basic Land 273 0.50 0.46
Fires of Mount Doom 2r Rare 294 0.50
Pippin, Guard of the Citadel (Showcase) wu Rare 326 0.50 1.97
Sauron's Ransom (Extended Art) 1ub Rare 371 0.50 10.49
Mirkwood Bats (Borderless) 3b common 421 0.50 0.69
Éomer, Marshal of Rohan (Borderless) 2rr rare 428 0.50 0.87
Ioreth of the Healing House (Showcase Scrolls) 2u Uncommon 507 0.50 0.70
Oliphaunt (Showcase Scrolls) 5r Common 590 0.50 2.69
Moria Marauder (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) rr Rare 773 0.50
Eagle of Deliverance 4ww Rare 824 0.50
Treasure // Food (0023) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T25 0.50
Hew the Entwood 3rr mythic 136 0.49 0.39
Doors of Durin 3rg rare 199 0.49 3.98
Forest (0280) Basic Land 280 0.49 0.44
Legolas, Master Archer (Showcase) 1gg Rare 313 0.49 0.43
Merry, Esquire of Rohan (Showcase) rw Rare 325 0.49 0.51
Display of Power (Extended Art) 1rr Rare 358 0.49 6.71
The Ring Goes South (Extended Art) 3g Rare 366 0.49
Fangorn, Tree Shepherd (Borderless) 4ggg rare 415 0.49 0.34
Claim the Precious (Showcase Scrolls) 1bb Common 532 0.49 0.50
The Ring Goes South (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 3g Rare 777 0.49
Island (0275) Basic Land 275 0.48 0.48
Scroll of Isildur 2u rare 69 0.47 0.36
Lobelia Sackville-Baggins (Extended Art) 2b Rare 357 0.47
Rangers of Ithilien (Showcase Scrolls) 2uu Rare 517 0.47 0.51
Swamp (0276) Basic Land 276 0.46 0.52
Sméagol, Helpful Guide (Showcase) 1bg Rare 330 0.46 0.37
Fall of Cair Andros (Extended Art) 2r Rare 359 0.46
Tentacle // Food (0009) Double-Sided Token Token T4 0.46
Glóin, Dwarf Emissary (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 2r Rare 771 0.46
Saradoc, Master of Buckland 3w rare 282 0.45 11.30
Sauron, the Necromancer (Showcase) 3bb Rare 310 0.45 0.36
Wizard's Rockets (Borderless) 1 Common 400 0.45 0.40
Rising of the Day (Borderless) 2r uncommon 427 0.45 0.57
Minas Tirith Garrison (Extended Art) 3u Rare 830 0.45
Cunning Theme Card Token T7 0.45
Treasure // Food (0011) Double-Sided Token Token T12 0.44
Lobelia Sackville-Baggins (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 2b Rare 768 0.44
Minas Tirith Garrison 3u Rare 825 0.44
Sauron, the Necromancer 3bb rare 106 0.43 0.39
Merry, Esquire of Rohan rw rare 215 0.43 0.34
Gandalf the Grey 3ur rare 207 0.42 0.46
Rise of the Witch-king 2bg uncommon 221 0.42 0.60
Sméagol, Helpful Guide 1bg rare 231 0.42 0.35
Plains (0272) Basic Land 272 0.42 0.64
Assault on Osgiliath xrrr rare 285 0.42 2.39
King of the Oathbreakers (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 2wb Rare 780 0.42
Birthday Escape (Showcase Scrolls) u Common 494 0.42 0.58
Shadowfax, Lord of Horses (Showcase Scrolls) 3rw Uncommon 678 0.42 0.69
Elven Theme Card Token T10 0.42
Sam's Desperate Rescue (Showcase Scrolls) b Common 556 0.41 0.46
Orc Army (0018) // Food (0022) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T18 0.41
Stern Scolding u uncommon 71 0.40 1.10
The Balrog, Durin's Bane 5br rare 195 0.40 0.26
Mountain (0278) Basic Land 278 0.40 0.34
Aragorn, Company Leader (Showcase) 1gw Rare 316 0.40 0.34
Elrond, Master of Healing (Showcase) 2gu Rare 318 0.40 0.47
Galadriel of Lothlórien (Showcase) 1gu Rare 321 0.40 0.34
Isildur's Fateful Strike (Extended Art) 2bb Rare 356 0.40
King of the Oathbreakers (Extended Art) 2wb Rare 369 0.40 6.18
Isildur's Fateful Strike (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 2bb Rare 767 0.40
Revive the Shire (Showcase Scrolls) 1g Common 636 0.40 0.43
Slip On the Ring (Showcase Scrolls) 1w Common 482 0.40 0.35
Spirit // Food (0023) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T16 0.40
Mountain (0279) Basic Land 279 0.39 0.33
Smaug Token Token T7 0.39
Éowyn, Lady of Rohan (Showcase Scrolls) 2w Uncommon 461 0.39 0.34
Orcish Medicine (Showcase Scrolls) 1b Common 555 0.39 0.36
Courageous Theme Card Token T1 0.39
Lost Isle Calling (Borderless) 1u rare 444 0.38 0.40
Smaug // Food (0023) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T20 0.38
Mirkwood Spider (Showcase Scrolls) g Common 629 0.37 0.35
Smaug // Food (0024) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T20 0.37
Tentacle // Food (0023) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T17 0.37
Display of Power 1rr rare 119 0.36 0.27
Tentacle // Food (0010) Double-Sided Token Token T4 0.36
Arwen Undomiel (Showcase Scrolls) gu Uncommon 645 0.36 0.33
Inherited Envelope (Showcase Scrolls) 3 Common 693 0.36 0.35
Shagrat, Loot Bearer (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 2br Rare 783 0.36
Éomer, Marshal of Rohan 2rr rare 120 0.35 0.54
Fiery Inscription 2r Uncommon 126 0.35 0.52
The Ring Goes South 3g rare 186 0.35 0.32
Faramir, Prince of Ithilien 2wu rare 202 0.35 0.34
Gandalf the Grey (Showcase) 3ur Rare 322 0.35 0.32
Gimli, Mournful Avenger (Showcase) 1rg Rare 323 0.35 0.41
Press the Enemy (Extended Art) 2uu Rare 352 0.35
Shagrat, Loot Bearer (Extended Art) 2br Rare 372 0.35
Bill the Pony (Showcase Scrolls) 3w Uncommon 454 0.35 1.67
Glorious Gale (Showcase Scrolls) 1u Common 502 0.35 0.35
Mirror of Galadriel (Showcase Scrolls) 2 Uncommon 695 0.35 0.41
Nasty End (Showcase Scrolls) 1b Common 550 0.35 0.32
Smite the Deathless (Showcase Scrolls) 1r Common 599 0.35 0.23
Faramir, Prince of Ithilien (Showcase) 2wu Rare 319 0.34 0.26
Sharkey, Tyrant of the Shire (Extended Art) 2ub Rare 373 0.34
Legolas, Master Archer 1gg rare 173 0.33 0.37
Fall of Cair Andros (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 2r Rare 770 0.33
Many Partings (Showcase Scrolls) g Common 627 0.33 0.38
March from the Black Gate (Showcase Scrolls) 1b Uncommon 545 0.33 0.36
Mauhúr, Uruk-hai Captain (Showcase Scrolls) br Uncommon 665 0.33 0.47
Orc Army (0019) // Food (0024) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T19 0.33
Spirit // Food (0022) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T16 0.33
Elrond, Master of Healing 2gu rare 200 0.32 0.30
Mushroom Watchdogs (Showcase Scrolls) 1g Common 631 0.32 0.22
Rally at the Hornburg (Showcase Scrolls) 1r Common 593 0.32 0.31
Soothing of Sméagol (Showcase Scrolls) 1u Common 521 0.32 0.38
The Grey Havens (Showcase Scrolls) Uncommon 706 0.32 0.82
Westfold Rider (Showcase Scrolls) 1w Common 488 0.32 0.33
Wizard's Rockets (Showcase Scrolls) 1 Common 703 0.32 0.22
Press the Enemy (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 2uu Rare 763 0.31
Spirit // Food (0011) Double-Sided Token Token T3 0.31
Samwise the Stouthearted (Showcase Scrolls) 1w Uncommon 479 0.31 0.37
The Mouth of Sauron (Showcase Scrolls) 3ub Uncommon 667 0.31 0.28
Human Soldier (0015) // Food (0023) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T15 0.31
Orc Army (0019) // Food (0023) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T19 0.31
Fall of Cair Andros 2r rare 124 0.30 0.25
Fall of Gil-galad 1g rare 165 0.30 0.34
Fangorn, Tree Shepherd 4ggg rare 166 0.30 0.22
Galadriel of Lothlórien 1gu rare 206 0.30 0.96
Frodo, Sauron's Bane (Showcase) w Rare 304 0.30 0.24
Rangers of Ithilien (Extended Art) 2uu Rare 353 0.30 2.87
Frodo, Sauron's Bane (Borderless) w rare 448 0.30 0.19
Smaug // Food (0009) Double-Sided Token Token T7 0.30
Tentacle Token Token T4 0.30
Fear, Fire, Foes! (Showcase Scrolls) xr Uncommon 576 0.30 0.43
Saruman the White (Showcase Scrolls) 4u Uncommon 518 0.30 0.31
Tale of Tinúviel (Showcase Scrolls) 3ww Uncommon 485 0.30 0.27
The Bath Song (Showcase Scrolls) 3u Uncommon 491 0.30 0.35
You Cannot Pass! (Showcase Scrolls) w Uncommon 489 0.30 0.27
Display of Power (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 1rr Rare 769 0.30
Orc Army (0018) // Food (0023) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T18 0.30
Press the Enemy 2uu rare 65 0.29 0.22
Lobelia Sackville-Baggins 2b rare 93 0.29 0.24
King of the Oathbreakers 2wb rare 211 0.29 0.13
Rangers of Ithilien (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 2uu Rare 764 0.29
Smaug // Food (0010) Double-Sided Token Token T7 0.29
Barrow-Blade (Showcase Scrolls) 1 Uncommon 688 0.29 0.27
Elven Farsight (Showcase Scrolls) g Common 612 0.29 0.39
Gollum, Patient Plotter (Showcase Scrolls) 1b Uncommon 535 0.29 0.27
Hithlain Knots (Showcase Scrolls) 1u Common 505 0.29 0.23
Hobbit's Sting (Showcase Scrolls) 1w Common 471 0.29 0.25
Saruman's Trickery (Showcase Scrolls) 1uu Uncommon 519 0.29 0.35
Treason of Isengard (Showcase Scrolls) 2u Common 525 0.29 0.25
Human Soldier (0015) // Food (0022) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T15 0.29
The Balrog, Flame of Udûn 3br rare 297 0.28
Orc Army (0005) // Food (0011) Double-Sided Token Token T5 0.28
Elrond, Lord of Rivendell (Showcase Scrolls) 2u Uncommon 500 0.28 0.31
Gandalf, Friend of the Shire (Showcase Scrolls) 3u Uncommon 501 0.28 0.29
Gimli, Counter of Kills (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 3r Uncommon 804 0.28
Gollum, Patient Plotter (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 1b Uncommon 801 0.28
Legolas, Counter of Kills (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 2gu Uncommon 816 0.28
Isildur's Fateful Strike 2bb rare 91 0.27 0.28
Samwise the Stouthearted (Borderless) 1w uncommon 449 0.27 0.21
Gollum, Patient Plotter (Borderless) 1b uncommon 450 0.27 0.21
Gothmog, Morgul Lieutenant (Showcase Scrolls) 3b Uncommon 538 0.27 0.24
Théoden, King of Rohan (Showcase Scrolls) 1rw Uncommon 684 0.27 0.27
Ballistic Boulder // Food (0022) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T21 0.27
Bombadil's Song (Showcase Scrolls) 1g Common 605 0.26 0.31
Gandalf's Sanction (Showcase Scrolls) 1ur Uncommon 659 0.26 0.22
Haunt of the Dead Marshes (Showcase Scrolls) b Common 541 0.26 0.29
Meneldor, Swift Savior (Showcase Scrolls) 3u Uncommon 513 0.26 0.26
Second Breakfast (Showcase Scrolls) 2w Common 480 0.26 0.18
Shire Scarecrow (Showcase Scrolls) 2 Common 700 0.26 0.24
Warbeast of Gorgoroth (Showcase Scrolls) 4r Common 603 0.26 0.20
Tentacle // Food (0022) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T17 0.26
Frodo, Sauron's Bane w rare 18 0.25 0.25
Rosie Cotton of South Lane 2w uncommon 27 0.25 0.26
Ioreth of the Healing House 2u uncommon 56 0.25 0.32
Lost Isle Calling 1u rare 61 0.25 0.22
Rangers of Ithilien 2uu rare 66 0.25 0.19
Saruman's Trickery 1uu uncommon 68 0.25 0.21
Erebor Flamesmith 1r common 122 0.25 1.20
Oliphaunt 5r common 139 0.25 0.24
Aragorn, Company Leader 1gw rare 191 0.25 0.30
Gimli, Mournful Avenger 1rg rare 209 0.25 0.26
Ringsight 1ub uncommon 220 0.25 0.27
Shagrat, Loot Bearer 2br rare 228 0.25 0.27
Sharkey, Tyrant of the Shire 2ub rare 229 0.25 0.25
Stone of Erech 1 uncommon 251 0.25 0.33
Great Hall of the Citadel Common 254 0.25 0.32
The Grey Havens Uncommon 255 0.25 0.19
Peregrin Took (Showcase) 2g Uncommon 315 0.25 0.22
Rosie Cotton of South Lane (Borderless) 2w uncommon 440 0.25 0.29
The Grey Havens (Borderless) uncommon 443 0.25 0.28
Ballistic Boulder // Food (0009) Double-Sided Token Token T8 0.25
Human Soldier (0002) // Food (0011) Double-Sided Token Token T2 0.25
The Ring Helper Card Token T13 0.25
Arwen's Gift (Showcase Scrolls) 3u Common 490 0.25 0.24
Banish from Edoras (Showcase Scrolls) 4w Common 452 0.25 0.21
Battle-Scarred Goblin (Showcase Scrolls) 1r Common 566 0.25 0.16
Bewitching Leechcraft (Showcase Scrolls) 1u Common 492 0.25 0.14
Bilbo, Retired Burglar (Showcase Scrolls) 1ur Uncommon 647 0.25 0.23
Bitter Downfall (Showcase Scrolls) 3b Uncommon 528 0.25 0.14
Book of Mazarbul (Showcase Scrolls) 2r Uncommon 567 0.25 0.24
Brandywine Farmer (Showcase Scrolls) 2g Common 606 0.25 0.18
Breaking of the Fellowship (Showcase Scrolls) 1r Common 568 0.25 0.20
Butterbur, Bree Innkeeper (Showcase Scrolls) 2gw Uncommon 648 0.25 0.16
Captain of Umbar (Showcase Scrolls) 2u Common 496 0.25 0.18
Celeborn the Wise (Showcase Scrolls) 3g Uncommon 607 0.25 0.23
Cirith Ungol Patrol (Showcase Scrolls) 4b Common 531 0.25 0.19
Council's Deliberation (Showcase Scrolls) 1u Uncommon 497 0.25 0.17
Deceive the Messenger (Showcase Scrolls) u Common 498 0.25 0.13
Dreadful as the Storm (Showcase Scrolls) 2u Common 499 0.25 0.20
Dúnedain Blade (Showcase Scrolls) 1w Common 457 0.25 0.19
Dúnedain Rangers (Showcase Scrolls) 3g Uncommon 610 0.25 0.14
Dunland Crebain (Showcase Scrolls) 2b Common 533 0.25 0.18
Easterling Vanguard (Showcase Scrolls) 1b Common 534 0.25 0.15
Eastfarthing Farmer (Showcase Scrolls) 2w Common 459 0.25 0.15
East-Mark Cavalier (Showcase Scrolls) 1w Common 460 0.25 0.12
Enraged Huorn (Showcase Scrolls) 4g Common 613 0.25 0.18
Ent-Draught Basin (Showcase Scrolls) 2 Uncommon 689 0.25 0.14
Ent's Fury (Showcase Scrolls) 1g Common 615 0.25 0.25
Éomer of the Riddermark (Showcase Scrolls) 4r Uncommon 572 0.25 0.18
Erkenbrand, Lord of Westfold (Showcase Scrolls) 3r Uncommon 574 0.25 0.20
Errand-Rider of Gondor (Showcase Scrolls) 2w Common 462 0.25 0.16
Escape from Orthanc (Showcase Scrolls) w Common 463 0.25 0.16
Esquire of the King (Showcase Scrolls) w Common 464 0.25 0.21
Faramir, Field Commander (Showcase Scrolls) 3w Uncommon 465 0.25 0.25
Fire of Orthanc (Showcase Scrolls) 3r Common 578 0.25 0.20
Fog on the Barrow-Downs (Showcase Scrolls) 2w Common 467 0.25 0.19
Foray of Orcs (Showcase Scrolls) 3r Uncommon 579 0.25 0.21
Friendly Rivalry (Showcase Scrolls) rg Uncommon 655 0.25 0.19
Frodo Baggins (Showcase Scrolls) gw Uncommon 656 0.25 0.25
Galadhrim Bow (Showcase Scrolls) 2g Common 618 0.25 0.24
Galadhrim Guide (Showcase Scrolls) 3g Common 619 0.25 0.19
Gift of Strands (Showcase Scrolls) 3g Uncommon 621 0.25 0.16
Gimli, Counter of Kills (Showcase Scrolls) 3r Uncommon 580 0.25 0.24
Gimli's Axe (Showcase Scrolls) 2r Common 581 0.25 0.22
Gimli's Fury (Showcase Scrolls) 1r Common 582 0.25 0.13
Glorfindel, Dauntless Rescuer (Showcase Scrolls) 2g Uncommon 622 0.25 0.14
Goblin Fireleaper (Showcase Scrolls) 1r Uncommon 584 0.25 0.16
Gollum's Bite (Showcase Scrolls) b Uncommon 536 0.25 0.23
Gorbag of Minas Morgul (Showcase Scrolls) 1b Uncommon 537 0.25 0.21
Grey Havens Navigator (Showcase Scrolls) 2u Common 504 0.25 0.21
Gríma Wormtongue (Showcase Scrolls) 2b Uncommon 539 0.25 0.25
Grishnákh, Brash Instigator (Showcase Scrolls) 2r Uncommon 585 0.25 0.30
Grond, the Gatebreaker (Showcase Scrolls) 3b Uncommon 540 0.25 0.17
Haradrim Spearmaster (Showcase Scrolls) 2r Common 586 0.25 0.15
Horses of the Bruinen (Showcase Scrolls) 3uu Uncommon 506 0.25 0.19
Improvised Club (Showcase Scrolls) 1r Common 588 0.25 0.22
Isolation at Orthanc (Showcase Scrolls) 3u Common 508 0.25 0.20
Ithilien Kingfisher (Showcase Scrolls) 2u Common 509 0.25 0.17
Knights of Dol Amroth (Showcase Scrolls) 3u Common 510 0.25 0.23
Landroval, Horizon Witness (Showcase Scrolls) 4w Uncommon 472 0.25 0.19
Lash of the Balrog (Showcase Scrolls) b Common 543 0.25 0.19
Legolas, Counter of Kills (Showcase Scrolls) 2gu Uncommon 663 0.25 0.28
Long List of the Ents (Showcase Scrolls) g Uncommon 625 0.25 0.21
Lost to Legend (Showcase Scrolls) ww Uncommon 473 0.25 0.16
Lothlórien Lookout (Showcase Scrolls) 1g Common 626 0.25 0.25
Meriadoc Brandybuck (Showcase Scrolls) 1g Uncommon 628 0.25 0.22
Mirrormere Guardian (Showcase Scrolls) 2g Common 630 0.25 0.21
Mordor Muster (Showcase Scrolls) 1b Common 547 0.25 0.24
Morgul-Knife Wound (Showcase Scrolls) 1b Common 549 0.25 0.15
Nimrodel Watcher (Showcase Scrolls) 1u Common 514 0.25 0.21
Now for Wrath, Now for Ruin! (Showcase Scrolls) 3w Common 475 0.25 0.24
Oath of the Grey Host (Showcase Scrolls) 3b Uncommon 552 0.25 0.26
Old Man Willow (Showcase Scrolls) 2bg Uncommon 668 0.25 0.19
Pelargir Survivor (Showcase Scrolls) 1u Common 515 0.25 0.19
Pippin's Bravery (Showcase Scrolls) g Common 633 0.25 0.19
Prince Imrahil the Fair (Showcase Scrolls) wu Uncommon 670 0.25 0.20
Protector of Gondor (Showcase Scrolls) 3w Common 476 0.25 0.13
Quarrel's End (Showcase Scrolls) 2r Common 592 0.25 0.17
Ranger's Firebrand (Showcase Scrolls) r Uncommon 594 0.25 0.19
Relentless Rohirrim (Showcase Scrolls) 3r Common 595 0.25 0.17
Rush the Room (Showcase Scrolls) r Common 598 0.25 0.22
Shadow Summoning (Showcase Scrolls) wb Uncommon 677 0.25 0.19
Shelob's Ambush (Showcase Scrolls) b Common 559 0.25 0.24
Shire Shirriff (Showcase Scrolls) 1w Uncommon 481 0.25 0.17
Shortcut to Mushrooms (Showcase Scrolls) 1g Uncommon 638 0.25 0.25
Shower of Arrows (Showcase Scrolls) 2g Common 639 0.25 0.26
Snarling Warg (Showcase Scrolls) 3b Common 560 0.25 0.18
Soldier of the Grey Host (Showcase Scrolls) 3w Common 483 0.25 0.20
Stalwarts of Osgiliath (Showcase Scrolls) 4w Common 484 0.25 0.16
Stew the Coneys (Showcase Scrolls) 2g Uncommon 640 0.25 0.28
Strider, Ranger of the North (Showcase Scrolls) 2rg Uncommon 683 0.25 0.16
Surrounded by Orcs (Showcase Scrolls) 3u Common 524 0.25 0.22
Swarming of Moria (Showcase Scrolls) 2r Common 601 0.25 0.25
The Black Breath (Showcase Scrolls) 2b Common 529 0.25 0.21
Took Reaper (Showcase Scrolls) 1w Common 486 0.25 0.18
Uglúk of the White Hand (Showcase Scrolls) 2br Uncommon 686 0.25 0.24
Uruk-hai Berserker (Showcase Scrolls) 2b Common 563 0.25 0.23
Voracious Fell Beast (Showcase Scrolls) 4bb Uncommon 564 0.25 0.15
Willow-Wind (Showcase Scrolls) 4u Common 527 0.25 0.13
Ballistic Boulder // Food (0024) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T21 0.25
Claim the Precious 1bb common 81 0.24 0.15
Gollum, Patient Plotter 1b uncommon 84 0.24 0.14
Many Partings g common 176 0.24 0.24
Mirkwood Spider g common 178 0.24 0.22
Shire Terrace common 261 0.24 0.28
Oliphaunt (Borderless) 5r common 426 0.24 0.15
Human Soldier (0002) // Food (0009) Double-Sided Token Token T2 0.24
Spirit Token Token T3 0.24
Treasure Token Token T12 0.24
Chance-Met Elves (Showcase Scrolls) 2g Common 608 0.24 0.20
Mordor Trebuchet (Showcase Scrolls) 2b Common 548 0.24 0.18
Nimble Hobbit (Showcase Scrolls) 1w Common 474 0.24 0.19
Olog-hai Crusher (Showcase Scrolls) 3r Common 591 0.24 0.15
Quickbeam, Upstart Ent (Showcase Scrolls) 4gg Uncommon 634 0.24 0.18
Rohirrim Lancer (Showcase Scrolls) r Common 597 0.24 0.18
The Torment of Gollum (Showcase Scrolls) 3b Common 561 0.24 0.17
Frodo Baggins (Showcase) (Surge Foil) gw Uncommon 812 0.24
Samwise the Stouthearted (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 1w Uncommon 798 0.24
Sharkey, Tyrant of the Shire (Extended Art) (Surge Foil) 2ub Rare 784 0.24
Human Soldier (0014) // Food (0024) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T14 0.24
Orc Army (0019) // Food (0022) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T19 0.24
Eagles of the North 5w common 7 0.23 0.21
The Bath Song 3u uncommon 40 0.23 0.15
March from the Black Gate 1b uncommon 94 0.23 0.49
Mauhúr, Uruk-hai Captain br uncommon 214 0.23 0.14
Gothmog, Morgul Lieutenant (Borderless) 3b uncommon 429 0.23 0.21
Human Soldier (0002) // Food (0010) Double-Sided Token Token T2 0.23
Tentacle // Food (0011) Double-Sided Token Token T4 0.23
Bill Ferny, Bree Swindler (Showcase Scrolls) 1u Uncommon 493 0.23 0.16
Gandalf, Friend of the Shire (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 3u Uncommon 800 0.23
Meriadoc Brandybuck (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 1g Uncommon 806 0.23
Ballistic Boulder // Food (0023) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T21 0.23
Human Soldier (0015) // Food (0024) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T15 0.23
Orc Army (0018) // Food (0024) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T18 0.23
Orc Army (0006) // Food (0009) Double-Sided Token Token T6 0.22
Faramir, Field Commander (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 3w Uncommon 795 0.22
Orc Army (0006) // Food (0010) Double-Sided Token Token T6 0.21
Magic Minigame: Winchester Draft Token T2 0.21
Bill the Pony 3w uncommon 3 0.20 0.93
Éowyn, Lady of Rohan 2w uncommon 10 0.20 0.19
Samwise the Stouthearted 1w uncommon 28 0.20 0.14
Slip On the Ring 1w common 31 0.20 0.15
Tale of Tinúviel 3ww uncommon 34 0.20 0.20
Westfold Rider 1w common 37 0.20 0.15
Birthday Escape u common 43 0.20 0.35
Elrond, Lord of Rivendell 2u uncommon 49 0.20 0.18
Gandalf, Friend of the Shire 3u uncommon 50 0.20 0.21
Glorious Gale 1u common 51 0.20 0.19
Meneldor, Swift Savior 3u uncommon 62 0.20 0.19
Saruman the White 4u uncommon 67 0.20 0.21
Soothing of Sméagol 1u common 70 0.20 0.10
Gollum's Bite b uncommon 85 0.20 0.14
Gorbag of Minas Morgul 1b uncommon 86 0.20 0.16
Gothmog, Morgul Lieutenant 3b uncommon 87 0.20 0.14
Gríma Wormtongue 2b uncommon 88 0.20 0.18
Grond, the Gatebreaker 3b uncommon 89 0.20 0.17
Nasty End 1b common 99 0.20 0.18
Oath of the Grey Host 3b uncommon 101 0.20 0.18
Orcish Medicine 1b common 104 0.20 0.18
Sam's Desperate Rescue b common 105 0.20 0.24
Book of Mazarbul 2r uncommon 116 0.20 0.17
Éomer of the Riddermark 4r uncommon 121 0.20 0.11
Fear, Fire, Foes! xr uncommon 125 0.20 0.19
Foray of Orcs 3r uncommon 128 0.20 0.13
Gimli, Counter of Kills 3r uncommon 129 0.20 0.16
Rally at the Hornburg 1r common 142 0.20 0.15
Elven Farsight g common 161 0.20 0.15
Long List of the Ents g uncommon 174 0.20 0.13
Meriadoc Brandybuck 1g uncommon 177 0.20 0.18
Quickbeam, Upstart Ent 4gg uncommon 183 0.20 0.10
Revive the Shire 1g common 185 0.20 0.18
Stew the Coneys 2g uncommon 189 0.20 0.15
Arwen Undómiel gu uncommon 194 0.20 0.19
Bilbo, Retired Burglar 1ur uncommon 196 0.20 0.15
Denethor, Ruling Steward 1wb uncommon 198 0.20 0.19
Frodo Baggins gw uncommon 205 0.20 0.14
Gandalf's Sanction 1ur Uncommon 208 0.20 0.15
Gwaihir the Windlord 4wu uncommon 210 0.20 0.18
Old Man Willow 2bg uncommon 217 0.20 0.11
Prince Imrahil the Fair wu uncommon 219 0.20 0.13
Shadowfax, Lord of Horses 3rw uncommon 227 0.20 0.27
Strider, Ranger of the North 2rg uncommon 232 0.20 0.12
Barrow-Blade 1 uncommon 237 0.20 0.17
Inherited Envelope 3 common 242 0.20 0.22
Mirror of Galadriel 2 uncommon 244 0.20 0.20
Mountain (0268) Basic Land 268 0.20 0.14
Faramir, Field Commander (Showcase) 3w Uncommon 303 0.20 0.13
Samwise the Stouthearted (Showcase) 1w Uncommon 306 0.20 0.14
Elrond, Lord of Rivendell (Showcase) 2u Uncommon 307 0.20 0.12
Gandalf, Friend of the Shire (Showcase) 3u Uncommon 308 0.20 0.14
Gollum, Patient Plotter (Showcase) 1b Uncommon 309 0.20 0.10
Gimli, Counter of Kills (Showcase) 3r Uncommon 312 0.20 0.13
Frodo Baggins (Showcase) gw Uncommon 320 0.20 0.17
Legolas, Counter of Kills (Showcase) 2gu Uncommon 324 0.20 0.15
Nasty End (Borderless) 1b common 416 0.20 0.13
Foray of Orcs (Borderless) 3r uncommon 417 0.20 0.16
Quickbeam, Upstart Ent (Borderless) 4gg uncommon 419 0.20 0.19
Voracious Fell Beast (Borderless) 4bb uncommon 422 0.20 0.15
Prince Imrahil the Fair (Borderless) wu uncommon 431 0.20 0.22
Shire Shirriff (Borderless) 1w uncommon 441 0.20 0.16
Many Partings (Borderless) g common 445 0.20 0.15
Denethor, Ruling Steward (Showcase Scrolls) 1wb Uncommon 649 0.20 0.19
Ballistic Boulder Token Token T8 0.20
Food Token (0009) Token T9 0.20
Food Token (0011) Token T11 0.20
Human Soldier (0002) Token Token T2 0.20
Orc Army (0005) Token Token T5 0.20
Orc Army (0006) Token Token T6 0.20
Treasure // Food (0009) Double-Sided Token Token T12 0.20 2.06
Bag End Porter (Showcase Scrolls) 3g Common 604 0.20 0.14
Wose Pathfinder (Showcase Scrolls) 1g Common 641 0.20 0.17
Elrond, Lord of Rivendell (Showcase) (Surge Foil) 2u Uncommon 799 0.20
You Cannot Pass! w uncommon 38 0.19 0.14
Bill Ferny, Bree Swindler 1u uncommon 42 0.19 0.10
Council's Deliberation 1u uncommon 46 0.19 0.15
Mordor Muster 1b common 96 0.19 0.15
Shelob's Ambush b common 108 0.19 0.14
Voracious Fell Beast 4bb uncommon 113 0.19 0.16
Gimli's Axe 2r common 130 0.19 0.12
Improvised Club 1r common 137 0.19 0.11
Ranger's Firebrand r uncommon 143 0.19 0.17
Smite the Deathless 1r common 148 0.19 0.10
Bombadil's Song 1g common 154 0.19 0.12
Shortcut to Mushrooms 1g uncommon 187 0.19 0.16
Friendly Rivalry rg uncommon 204 0.19 0.12
Legolas, Counter of Kills 2gu uncommon 212 0.19 0.20
The Mouth of Sauron 3ub uncommon 216 0.19 0.14
Shadow Summoning wb uncommon 226 0.19 0.12
Théoden, King of Rohan 1rw uncommon 233 0.19 0.20
Uglúk of the White Hand 2br uncommon 235 0.19 0.17
Wizard's Rockets 1 common 252 0.19 0.18
Plains (0263) Basic Land 263 0.19 0.18
Swamp (0266) Basic Land 266 0.19 0.17
Swamp (0267) Basic Land 267 0.19 0.16
Meriadoc Brandybuck (Showcase) 1g Uncommon 314 0.19 0.20
Food Token (0010) Token T10 0.19
Human Soldier (0001) // Food (0011) Double-Sided Token Token T1 0.19
Human Soldier (0001) Token Token T1 0.19
Spirit // Food (0009) Double-Sided Token Token T3 0.19
Lash of the Balrog b common 92 0.18 0.15
Erkenbrand, Lord of Westfold 3r uncommon 123 0.18 0.14
Glorfindel, Dauntless Rescuer 2g uncommon 171 0.18 0.12
Mountain (0269) Basic Land 269 0.18 0.13
Forest (0271) Basic Land 271 0.18 0.15
Goblin Assailant 1r common 295 0.18
Human Soldier (0014) // Food (0022) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T14 0.18
Faramir, Field Commander 3w uncommon 14 0.17 0.11
Hithlain Knots 1u common 54 0.17 0.17
Uruk-hai Berserker 2b common 112 0.17 0.09
Grishnákh, Brash Instigator 2r uncommon 134 0.17 0.15
Dúnedain Rangers 3g uncommon 159 0.17 0.17
Ent's Fury 1g common 164 0.17 0.08
Shower of Arrows 2g common 188 0.17 0.15
Forest (0270) Basic Land 270 0.17 0.19
Knight of the Keep 2w common 291 0.17
Ballistic Boulder // Food (0010) Double-Sided Token Token T8 0.17 0.08
Spirit // Food (0024) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T16 0.17
Hobbit's Sting 1w common 20 0.16 0.19
Landroval, Horizon Witness 4w uncommon 21 0.16 0.09
Lost to Legend ww uncommon 22 0.16 0.13
Knights of Dol Amroth 3u common 59 0.16 0.11
The Black Breath 2b common 78 0.16 0.13
Celeborn the Wise 3g uncommon 156 0.16 0.16
Plains (0262) Basic Land 262 0.16 0.17
Island (0265) Basic Land 265 0.16 0.16
Knights of Dol Amroth (Borderless) 3u common 432 0.16 0.11
Human Soldier (0001) // Food (0010) Double-Sided Token Token T1 0.16
Orc Army (0005) // Food (0010) Double-Sided Token Token T5 0.16 0.21
Banish from Edoras 4w common 1 0.15 0.05
Dúnedain Blade 1w common 6 0.15 0.10
Eastfarthing Farmer 2w common 8 0.15 0.11
East-Mark Cavalier 1w common 9 0.15 0.09
Errand-Rider of Gondor 2w common 11 0.15 0.08
Escape from Orthanc w common 12 0.15 0.09
Esquire of the King w common 13 0.15 0.06
Fog on the Barrow-Downs 2w common 16 0.15 0.13
Nimble Hobbit 1w common 23 0.15 0.09
Now for Wrath, Now for Ruin! 3w common 24 0.15 0.13
Protector of Gondor 3w common 25 0.15 0.10
Second Breakfast 2w common 29 0.15 0.09
Shire Shirriff 1w uncommon 30 0.15 0.10
Soldier of the Grey Host 3w common 32 0.15 0.04
Stalwarts of Osgiliath 4w common 33 0.15 0.10
Took Reaper 1w common 35 0.15 0.06
Arwen's Gift 3u common 39 0.15 0.12
Bewitching Leechcraft 1u common 41 0.15 0.09
Captain of Umbar 2u common 45 0.15 0.13
Deceive the Messenger u common 47 0.15 0.07
Dreadful as the Storm 2u common 48 0.15 0.08
Grey Havens Navigator 2u common 53 0.15 0.07
Horses of the Bruinen 3uu uncommon 55 0.15 0.12
Isolation at Orthanc 3u common 57 0.15 0.10
Ithilien Kingfisher 2u common 58 0.15 0.08
Nimrodel Watcher 1u common 63 0.15 0.08
Pelargir Survivor 1u common 64 0.15 0.07
Surrounded by Orcs 3u common 73 0.15 0.14
Treason of Isengard 2u common 74 0.15 0.14
Willow-Wind 4u common 76 0.15 0.07
Bitter Downfall 3b uncommon 77 0.15 0.06
Cirith Ungol Patrol 4b common 80 0.15 0.10
Dunland Crebain 2b common 82 0.15 0.09
Easterling Vanguard 1b common 83 0.15 0.11
Haunt of the Dead Marshes b common 90 0.15 0.14
Mordor Trebuchet 2b common 97 0.15 0.10
Morgul-Knife Wound 1b common 98 0.15 0.16
Snarling Warg 3b common 109 0.15 0.12
The Torment of Gollum 3b common 110 0.15 0.10
Battle-Scarred Goblin 1r common 115 0.15 0.08
Breaking of the Fellowship 1r common 117 0.15 0.12
Fire of Orthanc 3r common 127 0.15 0.11
Gimli's Fury 1r common 131 0.15 0.09
Goblin Fireleaper 1r uncommon 133 0.15 0.10
Haradrim Spearmaster 2r common 135 0.15 0.12
Olog-hai Crusher 3r common 140 0.15 0.09
Quarrel's End 2r common 141 0.15 0.08
Relentless Rohirrim 3r common 144 0.15 0.10
Rohirrim Lancer r common 146 0.15 0.12
Rush the Room r common 147 0.15 0.06
Swarming of Moria 2r common 150 0.15 0.13
Warbeast of Gorgoroth 4r common 152 0.15 0.06
Bag End Porter 3g common 153 0.15 0.06
Brandywine Farmer 2g common 155 0.15 0.14
Chance-Met Elves 2g common 157 0.15 0.08
Enraged Huorn 4g common 162 0.15 0.08
Galadhrim Bow 2g common 167 0.15 0.13
Galadhrim Guide 3g common 168 0.15 0.08
Gift of Strands 3g uncommon 170 0.15 0.06
Lothlórien Lookout 1g common 175 0.15 0.13
Mirrormere Guardian 2g common 179 0.15 0.05
Mushroom Watchdogs 1g common 180 0.15 0.14
Pippin's Bravery g common 182 0.15 0.06
Wose Pathfinder 1g common 190 0.15 0.08
Butterbur, Bree Innkeeper 2gw uncommon 197 0.15 0.06
Ent-Draught Basin 2 uncommon 238 0.15 0.09
Shire Scarecrow 2 common 249 0.15 0.11
Island (0264) Basic Land 264 0.15 0.17
Lash of the Balrog (Borderless) b common 408 0.15 0.12
Dunland Crebain (Borderless) 2b common 411 0.15 0.11
Pippin's Bravery (Borderless) g common 414 0.15 0.13
Human Soldier (0001) // Food (0009) Double-Sided Token Token T1 0.15 0.19
Spirit // Food (0010) Double-Sided Token Token T3 0.15
Magic Minigame: Battle of the Hornburg Token T3 0.15
Human Soldier (0014) // Food (0023) Double-Sided Token (Surge Foil) Token T14 0.15
Ballistic Boulder // Food (0011) Double-Sided Token Token T8 0.14
Orc Army (0005) // Food (0009) Double-Sided Token Token T5 0.14
Magic Minigame: Sharkey's Tithe Token T4 0.14
The One Ring (Borderless) 4 mythic 0
The One Ring (Borderless Poster) (Serial Numbered) 4 Mythic Rare 748
Tom Bombadil (Borderless Poster) (Serial Numbered) wubrg Mythic Rare 745

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