
Magic the Gathering MTG

Top 116 creature- cards from Magic the Gathering.

Card Name
[49] 6 rare Artifact Creature — Beast Introductory Two-Player Set 49 1200
[12] w Rare Artifact Creature — Human Soldier The List 12 8 % 498.97
[6] Promo legendary creature — elemental Game Day Promos 6 437.5
[255] 4 Uncommon Artifact Creature - Juggernaut Limited Edition Alpha 255 300
[228] ubbr Rare Legendary Creature - Human Rogue Legends 228 296.35
[129] wubrg Rare Legendary Creature - Sliver Stronghold 129 261.49
[217] gwu Rare Legendary Creature - Human Cleric Legends 217 243.99
[744] 3ubr Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Avatar Horror The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth 744 2 % 220 316.87
[315] 1 Rare Artifact Creature - Dreadnought Mirage 315 205.45
[12] Promo legendary creature — human frog horror Game Day Promos 12 199.99
[92] 2bb Rare Legendary Creature - Human Soldier Portal Three Kingdoms 92 193.97
[109] 4r Rare Legendary Creature - Human Soldier Portal Three Kingdoms 109 168.86
[230] 4rgw Rare Legendary Creature - Human Warrior Legends 230 158.18
[32] 4ww Rare Legendary Creature - Human Soldier Warrior Portal Three Kingdoms 32 152.99
[246] 2uubbrr Rare Legendary Creature - Elder Dragon Legends 246 150.45
[45] 1uu Rare Legendary Creature - Human Advisor Portal Three Kingdoms 45 149.97
[139] 4g Rare Legendary Creature - Human Soldier Warrior Portal Three Kingdoms 139 148.45
[552] 4 uncommon Artifact Creature — Wall 30th Anniversary Edition 552 145
[732] 3ww Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Avatar Wizard The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth 732 1 % 144.99 125.82
[128] 4r Rare Legendary Creature - Human Soldier Portal Three Kingdoms 128 144.07
[108] 3r Rare Legendary Creature - Human Advisor Portal Three Kingdoms 108 143.9
[300] Promo legendary creature — avatar wizard Game Day Promos 300 138.75
[8] 2ww Rare Legendary Creature - Human Soldier Portal Three Kingdoms 8 134.99
[253] 4wu Rare Legendary Creature - Human Wizard Legends 253 132.47
[73] 6 Rare Artifact Creature - Construct Antiquities 73 128.68
[33] 3ww Rare Legendary Creature - Human Soldier Warrior Portal Three Kingdoms 33 120.99
[135] 3 Rare Artifact Creature - Construct Urza's Destiny 135 1 % 110.64 899.99
[69] 2bb Rare Legendary Creature - Human Soldier Warrior Portal Three Kingdoms 69 109.69
[435] 2bb Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Phyrexian Praetor Dominaria United 435 1 % 107.97 126.83
[515] 4w Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Human Noble Tales of Middle-Earth Commander 515 99.99 115.69
[742] 1gw Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Elf Noble The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth 742 3 % 99.49 89.77
[415] 4w mythic Legendary Creature — Phyrexian Praetor Phyrexia: All Will Be One 415 1 % 99.19 96.41
[60] 1ub Rare legendary creature — human ninja Universes Beyond: FINAL FANTASY: Through the Ages 60 -6 % 99
[235] 2wubrg Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Dragon God Promo Pack: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms 235 76 % 99 15.6
[394] Mythic Rare legendary creature — elder wizard // legendary creature — avatar Universes Beyond: FINAL FANTASY 394 98.67
[262] ubr Rare Legendary Creature - Human Archer Legends 262 96.57
[T3] Token Token Creature — Artifact Zombie The Brothers' War T3 94
[335] 5www Mythic Rare Legendary Creature - Angel Double Masters 335 89.89 103.63
[142] 3gg Rare Legendary Creature - Human Barbarian Soldier Portal Three Kingdoms 142 89.7
[1583] rgwu Rare Legendary Creature — Time Lord Doctor Secret Lair Drop Series 1583 89.62 83.14
[116] 3rr Rare Legendary Creature - Human Soldier Warrior Portal Three Kingdoms 116 88.31
[66] 4 Uncommon Artifact Creature - Construct Antiquities 66 87.98
[56] 4uu Rare Legendary Creature - Human Soldier Portal Three Kingdoms 56 85.63
[216] brg Rare Legendary Creature - Human Knight Legends 216 84.01
[741] rgwu Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Human Noble The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth 741 1 % 83.85 73.78
[55] 3uu Rare Legendary Creature - Human Soldier Portal Three Kingdoms 55 83.56
[95] 3bb Rare Legendary Creature - Human Soldier Portal Three Kingdoms 95 82.46
[45] 5uu Rare Legendary Creature - Elder Dinosaur Promo Pack: Core Set 2020 45 81.82 18.5
[115] 5r Rare Legendary Creature - Human Soldier Warrior Portal Three Kingdoms 115 81.71
[745] wubrg Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — God Bard The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth 745 1 % 80.52 106.01
[205] gwu Mythic Rare legendary creature — human warrior Commander: FINAL FANTASY 205 79.99 79.98
[204] rwb Mythic Rare legendary creature — human wizard warrior Commander: FINAL FANTASY 204 79.99 79.98
[137] 1gg Rare Legendary Creature - Human Portal Three Kingdoms 137 77.77
[267] 6 Uncommon Artifact Creature ? Golem Limited Edition Alpha 267 75.69
[689] 4wubrg Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Dragon Avatar Commander Masters 689 42 % 74.91 51.1
[225] 2wuub Rare Legendary Creature - Human Warrior Legends 225 72.95
[66] 1uu Rare Legendary Creature - Human Advisor Portal Three Kingdoms 66 72.16
[197] 5gg Mythic Rare Legendary Creature - Dragon Promo Pack: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms 197 69.67 36.07
[1297] 3bb Rare Legendary Creature — Human Knight Secret Lair Drop Series 1297 3 % 69.51 59.88
[257] 2 Rare Artifact Creature - Scarecrow Shadowmoor 257 3 % 68.75 83
[46] 3uu Rare Legendary Creature - Human Soldier Portal Three Kingdoms 46 65.73
[379] 2gur Mythic Rare Legendary Creature - Beast Elemental Dinosaur Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths 379 2 % 64.99 82.93
[357] 12 Mythic Rare Artifact Creature - Golem Double Masters 357 64.99 73.57
[191] 1wub Mythic Rare legendary creature — cat warlock Commander: FINAL FANTASY 191 64.99
[224] gg Rare Legendary Creature - Elf Warrior Tempest 224 64.37
[T1] Token Token Creature — Construct The Brothers' War T1 63.72
[96] 4bb Rare Legendary Creature - Human Soldier Portal Three Kingdoms 96 62.99
[93] 1bb Rare Legendary Creature - Human Advisor Portal Three Kingdoms 93 62.75
[1234] 2g Rare Legendary Creature — Human Monk Secret Lair Drop Series 1234 3 % 62.4 57.54
[165] 1gg Rare Legendary Creature - Human Advisor Portal Three Kingdoms 165 -13 % 60.23
[168] 2rgw Mythic Rare legendary creature — human soldier mercenary Commander: FINAL FANTASY 168 60
[320] 4gg Mythic Rare Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Praetor Kaldheim 320 3 % 59.5 57.74
[1235] 2wb Rare Legendary Creature — Human Advisor Secret Lair Drop Series 1235 4 % 58.96 51.41
[92] 3bb Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Zombie God Media Promos 92 6 % 58.12
[14] 1ww Rare Legendary Creature - Human Advisor Portal Three Kingdoms 14 57.78
[47] 3uu Rare Legendary Creature - Human Advisor Portal Three Kingdoms 47 57.49
[118] gg Rare Legendary Creature - Elf Druid Urza's Destiny 118 5 % 57.48 335.43
[252] 2uubb Rare Legendary Creature - Human Assassin Legends 252 -5 % 57.16
[139] wubrg Rare Legendary Creature - Sliver Mutant Scourge 139 -1 % 56.99 234.48
[338] 1g Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Plant Druid Outlaws of Thunder Junction 338 -3 % 55.75 58.66
[19] 3b mythic Legendary Creature — Rat Warlock Jumpstart 2022 19 -6 % 55.62
[158] wubrg Rare Legendary Creature - Sliver Future Sight 158 -1 % 55 107.07
[336] 10 Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Eldrazi Double Masters 2022 336 54.8 47.68
[383] 10 mythic Legendary Creature — Eldrazi Modern Horizons 3 383 1 % 54.11 104.87
[T2] Token Token Creature — Urzan Automaton The Brothers' War T2 54.06
[65] 5uu Rare Legendary Creature - Human Soldier Portal Three Kingdoms 65 53.8
[18] 2ww Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Human Soldier Universes Within 18 -2 % 53.28
[1387] 2ww Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Angel Horror Secret Lair Drop 1387 -1 % 52.46
[516] 4g Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Spider Tales of Middle-Earth Commander 516 6 % 52.38 40.15
[734] 3uu Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Kraken The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth 734 2 % 51.99 42.95
[.] 5bbb Special Legendary Creature - Vampire Noble Oversize Cards . 51.89
[1355] 1wub Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Zombie Wizard Secret Lair Drop Series 1355 1 % 51.87 44.04
[1371] wubrg Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Sliver Secret Lair Drop Series 1371 1 % 51.22 53.39
[1079] 12 Mythic Rare Artifact Creature — Phyrexian Golem Secret Lair Drop Series 1079 -3 % 50.35 47.05
[330] 4ggg Mythic Rare Enchantment Creature — Elemental Theros Beyond Death 330 3 % 50.23 55.75
[320] 5rgw Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Dinosaur Avatar Secret Lair Drop Series 320 3 % 50
[259] 2ubr Rare Legendary Creature - Demon Legends 259 50
[209] 1wb Mythic Rare legendary creature — god Promo Pack: Aetherdrift 209 -7 % 49.62 49.43
[1301] 2ubr Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Zombie Wizard Secret Lair Drop Series 1301 2 % 49.55 49.07
[255] 2bbrr Rare Legendary Creature - Kobold Legends 255 49.4
[736] 3bb Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Wraith Noble The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth 736 49.29 61.21
[1160] 13 Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Eldrazi Secret Lair Drop Series 1160 -5 % 49.05 50.34
[10] 2u Mythic Rare Legendary Creature - Human Advisor The List 10 3 % 48.99
[1742] 1gur Mythic Rare legendary creature — mutant hero Secret Lair Drop Series 1742 -2 % 48.98
[379] 4u Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Homunculus Secret Lair Drop Series 379 2 % 47.67 30.57
[0] Promo artifact creature — phyrexian horse Un-Known Event Playtest Cards 0 47.5
[327] w Rare legendary creature — moogle Universes Beyond: FINAL FANTASY 327 46.76
[16] 3ww Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Zombie God Media Promos 16 2 % 46.74
[353] gwub Mythic Rare Legendary Creature - Angel Horror Double Masters 353 46.22 42.9
[728] 3u Rare Legendary Creature — Cephalid Noble Secret Lair Drop Series 728 3 % 46.19 41.31
[12] 11 Mythic Rare Legendary Creature - Eldrazi Rise of the Eldrazi 12 -1 % 46.16 147.4
[1726] rwu Mythic Rare legendary creature — human soldier hero Secret Lair Drop Series 1726 1 % 46
[224] 2wwuubb Rare Legendary Creature - Elder Dragon Legends 224 45.9
[6] 3ww Rare Legendary Creature - Human Soldier Warrior Portal Three Kingdoms 6 45.04
[12] 2w Mythic Rare Legendary Creature — Human Scout Promo Pack: Murders at Karlov Manor 12 3 % 45 34.49
[1449] 1g Rare Legendary Creature — Human Warrior Secret Lair Drop Series 1449 -1 % 44.26 37.35

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